not outed in that sense silly. outed as in "aha, we know you have been posting naughty stuff about sex and suchlike and we are the doublespeaking thought police who will shun your family and not allow your children to go to a good school or get a good shudduch"
although now that I think about it there were some comments that claimed Bas was just some horny guy. Conspiracy theory anyone?
Have any of you ever read the classic science fiction story by John Varley, "Press Enter"? It tells the story of two people who get two close to a certain large truth, and one of them is blotted out like a bug. The other goes into hiding for the rest of his life. I feel like we've touched something here, and now it's been wiped out. The thought police? The guilt police? Who knows. I think I'll start my own blog and take up at least some of the issues we've discussed here, though it won't be as "sexually oriented" as Bas. I'll post the name here when I have it....unless I'm taken before then.
No, the thought police...the ones who shut down great blogs just when they're starting to attract articulate frum people (yes, practically an oximoron, but there are some!).
If you've been on the JBlogsphere for a while, I don't have to list the victims.
The thought police can't touch me... They have more to lose. I generally play it safe. They Don't scare me. I really must get on with my ironing now. Heeeey Bas Torah where are ya??? desert island somewhere? and what's with the For NOW b it??
What does this mean for us other bloggers? here was a girl with great writing skills, a good imagination, and a wonderful blog ..she disappears with no trace ? at the very least give us a hint as to why you left are we next to be taken by the aliens or the Va'ad?
Don't jump to conclusions Shlomy, she's probably realised she'd better stop talking about great sex and start having some. She's probably in some room on a desert island closeted with her other half shagging the daylights out of each other.
ROFLMAO, you don't know how wrong u r? (talking about me or bastorah??) If you think I'm male chasid you reaaaaally haven't read my blog...
Yeah and maybe I AM frustrated far I've bled twice during seven clean days...THATS frustrating man.
(I am really trying to restrain myself from arguin with you, why oh why do I always let ppl pull me into pointless arguements... ) bet your name is yossi? ouch, Shuuuuut up.
Anonymous said...
hey i knew you were female i just didnt know the female version of "chassid" and i WAS right you are frustrated!
Anonymous said...
hey i knew you were female i just didnt know the female version of "chassid" and i WAS right you are frustrated!
yeah but not about this, I find this whole thing quite amusing, so you were WRONG asshole. My great grandfather was chassidish, so you were still wrong. (This is much more fun than ironing.)
Anonymous said...
i bet youre great grandfather wouldnt approve of your language!
(New resolution: try not to get entangled in arguments with anonymous idiots who think they know you and think they can change you by clucking their tongue and telling you off....) nuff sed.
Anonymous said...
hey dont pretend youre not anonymous. just because youre called kishmech doesnt give you an identity. youre as anonymous as me which by youre own definition makes you an idiot too. i think you should stick to ironing.
on what basis do you make it male? just curious. I mean apart from a gut instinct. Who's EVERYONE???
Anonymous said...
you must understand ONLY a man would go on and on and on.... about what women want, and what they would or wouldnt do,like and dont like..etc etc. the guy is obsessed. he needs a gal.
I think you are just trying to wind kish up. There are plenty of "normal" women who would and could write the kind of stuff that Bas wrote. I don't consider that a proof. Maybe we will never know?
Anonymous said...
hey now how did you work out that i was winding up kish? youre pure genius!
43 Comments: in 2 hours.. you are More popular than before perhaps this will convonce her to rethink he leaving?
Anonymous said...
what a shame. this has been one of the best and useful blogs out there. most of the blogs focus on complaining, making fun of others etc etc. whilst sometimes amusing, they mostly are of minimal value. here we had a blog where jack black, me and others who are yeshivish frum, could discuss real issues and problems facing us and the general community in an anonymous way. we could finally say things that we have been dying to say but had no one/where to say it to. this blog will be sorely missed. i hope jack does make his own blog (and doesn't shy away from the sexual issues either). to you BT i say good luck and thanks a lot. hope to see you back soon.
*mouth dropped in shock*
where are all the posts?
why have you gone?
What? where? when? why?
What happened?
People are gonna come to kish and I looking for you.
Were you outed?
Sorry - that should read "kish and ME". Anyone know what happened?
outed? came out the closet?
hellooooooo, the least you could do is give us a hint what's goin on. - USE IT.
not outed in that sense silly. outed as in "aha, we know you have been posting naughty stuff about sex and suchlike and we are the doublespeaking thought police who will shun your family and not allow your children to go to a good school or get a good shudduch"
although now that I think about it there were some comments that claimed Bas was just some horny guy. Conspiracy theory anyone?
What on earth happened?
I hope you didn't get burnt.
TRK - who really cares if she WAS a man?? it made a darned good blog.
and i know what you meant I was teasing.
Have any of you ever read the classic science fiction story by John Varley, "Press Enter"? It tells the story of two people who get two close to a certain large truth, and one of them is blotted out like a bug. The other goes into hiding for the rest of his life.
I feel like we've touched something here, and now it's been wiped out. The thought police? The guilt police? Who knows.
I think I'll start my own blog and take up at least some of the issues we've discussed here, though it won't be as "sexually oriented" as Bas. I'll post the name here when I have it....unless I'm taken before then.
taken? by aliens?
No, the thought police...the ones who shut down great blogs just when they're starting to attract articulate frum people (yes, practically an oximoron, but there are some!).
If you've been on the JBlogsphere for a while, I don't have to list the victims.
one that I can think of bounced back.....
The thought police can't touch me... They have more to lose. I generally play it safe. They Don't scare me.
I really must get on with my ironing now.
Heeeey Bas Torah where are ya??? desert island somewhere? and what's with the For NOW b it??
What does this mean for us other bloggers?
here was a girl with great writing skills, a good imagination, and a wonderful blog ..she disappears with no trace ?
at the very least give us a hint as to why you left are we next to be taken by the aliens or the Va'ad?
Aliens and the Vaad? or b oth?
Don't jump to conclusions Shlomy, she's probably realised she'd better stop talking about great sex and start having some. She's probably in some room on a desert island closeted with her other half shagging the daylights out of each other.
you sound fustrated kishmech.
no, just amused.
you cant fool me i can tell a frustrated chassid when i see one.
ROFLMAO, you don't know how wrong u r?
(talking about me or bastorah??)
If you think I'm male chasid you reaaaaally haven't read my blog...
Yeah and maybe I AM frustrated far I've bled twice during seven clean days...THATS frustrating man.
(I am really trying to restrain myself from arguin with you, why oh why do I always let ppl pull me into pointless arguements... ) bet your name is yossi?
ouch, Shuuuuut up.
hey i knew you were female i just didnt know the female version of "chassid"
and i WAS right you are frustrated!
hey i knew you were female i just didnt know the female version of "chassid"
and i WAS right you are frustrated!
yeah but not about this, I find this whole thing quite amusing, so you were WRONG asshole. My great grandfather was chassidish, so you were still wrong.
(This is much more fun than ironing.)
i bet youre great grandfather wouldnt approve of your language!
(New resolution: try not to get entangled in arguments with anonymous idiots who think they know you and think they can change you by clucking their tongue and telling you off....) nuff sed.
hey dont pretend youre not anonymous.
just because youre called kishmech doesnt give you an identity.
youre as anonymous as me which by youre own definition makes you an idiot too.
i think you should stick to ironing.
I'm not anonymous. That's all I'm going to say on the subject.
Back to the subject at hand, WHERE is bastorah? is she a man or a woman? is IT even of the hassidic faith? Maybe she's just Pesach cleaning??
definately a man.
no question.
EVERYONE agrees with me.
I reckon he woke this morning and decided to do teshuvah for his raunchy blogs.
on what basis do you make it male? just curious.
I mean apart from a gut instinct. Who's EVERYONE???
you must understand ONLY a man would go on and on and on....
about what women want, and what they would or wouldnt do,like and dont like..etc etc.
the guy is obsessed.
he needs a gal.
But *splutter* that's NOT proof!! for the simple reason that I DO know a lot of women like that.
then again i dont live on the hill
and im talking about NORMAL people.
so am I....
I think you are just trying to wind kish up. There are plenty of "normal" women who would and could write the kind of stuff that Bas wrote. I don't consider that a proof. Maybe we will never know?
hey now how did you work out that i was winding up kish?
youre pure genius!
thanks - you're not the first to point it out
*grin* Men are pigs.
kish, who u trying to wind up now?
Nobody. *innocent smile*
Am I that transparent?lol
*grin* Men are pigs. ---- thanks kish!! oh and thanks for commenting on my blog/first post
Sheesh you were anonymous.
Pleasure - you picked a topic close to my heart.
I have printed out almost every one of her articles. How many of you feel I should repost it here or on another website?
Yikes! What's this about a thought police shutting people down! Am I next?!! *terrified expression on face*
Bas Torah, what happened?!!!
43 Comments: in 2 hours.. you are More popular than before
perhaps this will convonce her to rethink he leaving?
what a shame. this has been one of the best and useful blogs out there. most of the blogs focus on complaining, making fun of others etc etc. whilst sometimes amusing, they mostly are of minimal value. here we had a blog where jack black, me and others who are yeshivish frum, could discuss real issues and problems facing us and the general community in an anonymous way. we could finally say things that we have been dying to say but had no one/where to say it to. this blog will be sorely missed. i hope jack does make his own blog (and doesn't shy away from the sexual issues either).
to you BT i say good luck and thanks a lot. hope to see you back soon.
So KISHMECH has a Lot time Erev pasech
kishmech ve de velest
DONT repost her old stuff. You don't know the reason she took the site down.
Don't do it whatever you do.
Frummer if it all anon and helpful to the clall , why do you feel this way. I promise I wont , I am just curious why.
Because maybe somebody guessed it was her, and wants to check some facts against what she had put up on the net to confirm their suspicions.
If she had pulled it out of desperation, would you want to add to her hardship?
Nah, the blog was written by a woman with help from a men.
I agree with Frummer, do not repost it it's not right,
The Wonders of Technology never cease to amaze me..
welcome back to the fold of mainstream orthodoxy. Kol hakavod for taking it down
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