My Rules and Regulations
So many comments from one day of no posting. Of one day of taking down my website. I have mixed feelings about doing this. There is a mixed group of you reading this. I am not sure which one to listen to and I will take it easy for now on certain things.
On the one hand there are the groups who still think I am a guy. Forget it. Not true. But if that is what you want to believe, so be it. I don’t know why you started to think that. But reality due to the overwhelming request, I continued with my blog. Which brings to the most popular group.
The group who thanked me for helping them for helping their marriage. Though I am not a marriage counselor by trade, I am very happy to have helped you out. Out of curiosity, please let me know how in fact I helped. It is always nice to know what is written here, actually hits a target and someone decides to change or something.
For now it is low key. Suggestions are more then welcomed. Topics are welcomed especially those with interesting things you want to share or bring up for discussion. I will definitely edit them and it is up to my discretion on whether or not is postable.
I would like this to continue to be a source for those who found it helpful and for those who want to vent, but remember to keep it clean. There are issues we all feel frustrated with and maybe I will touch upon them.
On the one hand there are the groups who still think I am a guy. Forget it. Not true. But if that is what you want to believe, so be it. I don’t know why you started to think that. But reality due to the overwhelming request, I continued with my blog. Which brings to the most popular group.
The group who thanked me for helping them for helping their marriage. Though I am not a marriage counselor by trade, I am very happy to have helped you out. Out of curiosity, please let me know how in fact I helped. It is always nice to know what is written here, actually hits a target and someone decides to change or something.
For now it is low key. Suggestions are more then welcomed. Topics are welcomed especially those with interesting things you want to share or bring up for discussion. I will definitely edit them and it is up to my discretion on whether or not is postable.
I would like this to continue to be a source for those who found it helpful and for those who want to vent, but remember to keep it clean. There are issues we all feel frustrated with and maybe I will touch upon them.
Phew! I can discard all those posts I prepared about what kind of lingerie do people wear, favorite positions, how many times a night and does size count!
Good to have you back amongst us.
SAHM4: Thanks for the missing me. As of now, I need not to have anonymous posters. When I feel up to it, I will change the setting.
TRK: Don't discard those posts. Did you read not what I wrote? I am NOT going to talk about that for now.
Glad to know I was missed by all.
Bas Torah,
Welcome back!
If you tell us why you suddenly felt the need to "blast" the blog, we'll have a better idea about what you want posted. If that's too private, maybe be a bit more specifics as to the topics you'd like to discuss. Are all...ehem, sexual topics now verboten?
welcome back. :-D
Isn't it interesting watching a "persons'" (bloggers') inner struggle manifest itself out in the open!
There's one blogger who tends to purge himself (and his blog!) every few months, only to bounce back after a very short time. He seems to be going through one of his phases right now! He's like a rumbling volcano.
Be strong, BT, be strong.
WB bas, and we felt poorer for the few days we thought u where gone, I think u can safely ignore the ones that think u are a guy, and any way to most reading your blog its about kabel as hoames meme shaorru (take the truth from who ever is the one saying it). And I can assure u that even if u only help one person to have a better life/marriage from all your bloging, it is still worth your while, and I am sure u have helped many more.
It say duge belev ish yasichane (a problem air’d is a problem shared) and u have provided a outlet for that to many, that otherwise they would have no other place for it so all I can say is chazek vemotz (be strong).
I am one of your male readers, and true some times it can be a bit titillating, and some times I don’t agree what u say, but even then it still helps me try to understand my wife batter. To sum it all up some of us love to love you, some of us love to hate you, and some of us hate to hate you, and the ones who say you are a guy I guess love to hate you so you can safely ignore them.
Git yom tov
Glad to see you back BT
you give us food for thought !!
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