Nidda Time
it is a bit long...
For whom is this time frame harder? The husband or the wife? I ask this question in all seriousness. There are many things that happen to each side that makes this time period very hard. Don’t give me the line that everything is fine when it is the “off” time of the month. I don’t and cannot believe it.
The wife is going through changes during this time. She feels crankier, and probably tense. All teenage girls get it, and it doesn’t really get better. We learn to live on mydol, or Tylenol or whatever medication or vitamin you have handy. We don’t like it. I never did. Not when I was a teenager and not now. Certain things do not change. I don’t like getting my period. There I said it. I find it annoying. It hurts. It makes me cranky and I yell more at people. My stomach hurts and that never feels good. It starts about a day or so before the actual onset and then it gets better. Imagine being in school. Every month you took off for a day or two. Eventually they will catch on. Now there is real life. Work wont allow such behavior. Neither do the kids. So we learn to suffer it quietly.
Not only do we have the physical pain and torture, we need to change our mindset and make ourselves aware that we are now a niddah. We are in a different status. No more kisses from the husband. No more hugs when you really need it. Your buddy is not really there for you, as you would like. Too bad. This is the way of life we have chosen to live. No more sex. No more intimacy. Push it to the back of your mind for at least 12 days. Save all that energy and tension for two weeks, so that the mikvah night can be special and wild.
On the plus side you have the time to yourself. Not every day revolves around sex. Whether or not you have children you still have a life to live. Not having sex does not mean that you do not love one another. Not always do you need to have sex on the non-niddah nights. Yes, there are only a limited amount of days, but you also have other things to take care of. But then we must remind ourselves when we will expecting it and not forget the last night before. Otherwise it will be longer than the anticipated two weeks.
The men. They don’t feel anything when we menstruate. They don’t feel the stomach pains. They don’t feel our crankiness, granted our mood will rub off on them. But physically they don’t feel anything. What they have is an off time from their wife. From sex. They cannot have sex for two weeks. And for some reason that makes them different. Not only does that affect them, but in a lot of cases, it affects the wife as well.
What I mean is, the husband tends to be removed from his wife during the off time. He is not so nice to her, to put it mildly. He tends to hang out more with his friends, or at work when there is no intimacy expected at home. He tends to be a bit more harsh with his wife. After all he is not getting any because of her. It is her fault that she has her period. It is her fault that she is a niddah. Therefore he has the right to take it out on her. Thank goodness there can’t be physical anger, but emotional anger is just as bad. The verbal abuse that comes during this time is enough to destroy a woman. The husband changes completely when she goes to the mikvah.
When mikvah night is there, he is a more gentler, calmer man. He worships the ground she walks on and kisses her toes then. Never once mentioning any of the things he mentioned earlier. She can do no wrong in his eyes, as long as she satisfies him in bed. As long as he is getting what he wants and needs.
Say that I am wrong. Granted this is not all men, And you are a good husband to your wife during niddah time and during regular time. Say what you want, wish what you think, but let us ask the wives if this is so. Let us hear from the wives who feel that they are second-class citizens when they are a niddah. We are the ones who are feeling this way. You can’t tell us what we are feeling is false! They are, after all, our feelings. True there are men out there who do treat their significant others the way she deserves whether or not “he is getting any” or not. But my question is why are the men who do not treat the wife with respect and dignity that she deserves is allowed to get away with this?
Who has taught him to change his personality when it is a hard time? Is this the norm of teaching chasonim? Are they really taught that the wife does not matter when she is a niddah, and therefore he does not have to respect her? That he does not have to treat her like a human being? That he is allowed to walk all over her? But when the mikvah night comes…he must give her the royal treatment! He will answer her wishes and give her what she wants. He will take care of her because he knows he will be taken care of later. This makes no sense to me. Do men actually think that we are forgetful? That they can hurt us, but with a quick kiss and a hug, things will be better? Better yet, why do we allow them to do this to us? Why are we giving them the opportunity to walk all over us during niddah time and when it is not niddah time, we give them whatever they want as well?
Things must change.
Men must be taught that the wife is not just an outlet for his sexual desire. We have desires, wishes, and needs that need to be met.
Women must stand up for their beliefs and wishes. Do not let the husband walk all over you. Sit down and talk about things. Do not allow the abuse to continue.
Men must remember their wife during niddah time. A simple thank you, a kind word, a little note to say you are thinking of her goes a long way. Don’t forget your wife during these hard times!
Anyone who is abused MUST seek counseling as well as the spouse. Don’t be a victim anymore. This goes for abused women and abused men. Yes, I will agree that there are wives out there who abuse their husbands. Definitely seek professional help before it gets worse. Do not ignore the signs. Seek help now.
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Maybe I'm naive, BT, but do you really think that there is a significant portion of the frum community that views their wives only as "sex outlets?"
That there are a few, I have no doubt - we're entitled to our share of jerks just like any other segment of society. But that's it's a problem as you describe - where in significant portions of the frum community husbands don't say "thank you," "good morning" or "please" to their wives during their Niddah period?
The Wolf
What difference does it make if the woman is "nidah"?
She is still the same person.
I have to disagree with this
At least based on my own experience, I know that I am not acting any worse towards my wife during the niddah days
granted I will go the extra mile when mikvah night comes around but by that I am really talking about buying goodies and preparing dinner for her , but Turing into a monster? fighting? NO WAY!!
at perhaps I must say based on the fact that we all have a normal relationship that should show you that your unfounded accusations are unsubstantiated, Is it true is your household? I assume not, so the mere fact that most couple have a healthy sex life means that your claim of ABUSE?? during niddah days is not true,
I can only assume that if it is true in some households than those house DO NOT HAVE SHALOM BAYIS IN GENERA!! even during the clean days, yeah perhaps they have sex but the S"B is not what it should be.
I will wait and hear if there are women out there who feel the need to agree with my statements. I must remind you all that is was an email that made me write on this topic. Apparently your wifes are not the ones emailing me, be happy. Unless of course you don't see it OUR way and reality is, your wife can feel this way, on a different level.
I am going to allow anonymous postings for this one, but please feel free to pick a name so we can refer back to you.
I do feel that men act differently when the wife is a niddah! Sorry. They are just different!
hm.. just a thought, perhaps for those who Don't kiss and hug all day even during the Clean days it is A LOT easier to pass the niddah days...
I'm not married and so I can't directly relate to this issue. However, I can tell you that after I masturbate I become more withdrawn and feel great about a week later. Perhaps, husbands unintentionally aren't as nice after sex, not because they view their wives as sex objects, but because of this natural mood change (which people should fight). Just a thought.
I am a man and I agree with all the men writing here. I have never been abusive to my wife neither physically nor verbally. I believe that a man or women who is abusive more than once in a relationship, has a great personality problem and probably doesn't have a concern for someone else.
Why do I say more than once? Because some times a person doesn't know that a certain expression or act is considered abusive. However, after doing it once and seeing the pain and realizing that what you have never taught that this will bother so much that other person, it should be enough to be very careful it should never ever happen again, ever remotely.
I cannot agree nor disagree with you.
yes there is truth to that, that frum men tend to distant themselves from their wives during menstruation. But this is only an effort to control themselves. Of course there are some of us who cannot articulate their feelings well, so they come across rough.
Couple that with an overly sensitized week woman, who has allot on her head besides her physical pain, and this is a recipe for disaster. BH it is no longer then 12-18 days, or there will be quarterly divorces all around our community just like the quarterly index for Treasury bill.
Shloimy, you've gotta be kidding about not being physical during the days of the 2 weeks you can actually touch.
I know I get really crabby when I'm niddah. I hate the feeling, and I hate everything about it, the blood, the checking, the clean days stuff, the mikvah prep. And of course, my husband's horniest during the 7 clean days -- but gets so used to keeping to himself that I have to turn him on when I finally get home from the mikvah.
Hey anonyone..welcome back..we missed you haven't commented here in a long time...why not? scared you away?
I have to say, men are too different when the wife is a niddah. Next time your wife is a niddah make a mental note and see if you are reacting differently to what she says. Or better yet, ASK HER now whether or not she agrees with this statement. And most wives wont necessarily say yes in fear of a reaction, so do take a good look at yourself and see if you are acting differently because you cannot get laid.
No, I don't think all men are abusive and I don't think this is the norm but why write about the norm? Nothing to read then....
anonyone, email me please or us Yahoo im...
I must agree with the ones saying you went a bit OTT but you make a valued point. But let me ask you this from a mans prospective, when the wife is incapable of communicating and therefore the whole relationship excites only on a physical level, can you then blame the husband for being there less for her in the off days. and even more so for the husbands of the many wife’s who use sex as a tool to get what they want, sure they will feel a withdrawal when that power is out of there hands.
my husband acts the same regardless of nida.
you got some weird marriages
"I have to say, men are too different when the wife is a niddah."
how would you know about "men"? you only know your own husband. speak for yourself
in generall, if you get email, you should not write about it as though its something you have direct contact with
you should label what is your experience, and what is the anonymous emailers.
SHLOMY your the last person that should start a sentence with BASED ON MY EXPERIENCE. you cant even kiss your wife like a man.
shlomy i'm just messing with you. i think you very entertaining.
Dear kvetcher you better be kidding about that last statement , because if you read my blog last month you'd know the our sex life is top notch, sorry to brag about it, but the reason I was bragging about it is to help other Chassidisha people achieve better sex, NOT showing PDA has nothing to do with sex in general!
SHlomy: i have a challange for you, GO with your wife to a department store not in your neighborhood of course and when she goes to try on something you go with her. i'll leave the rest up to you. then go to the ladies unmentionables department and pick out something for her together. no one will know you, it may be fun just don't bring the kids.
hey monsey: you seem to play both sides of the fence. in some posts you com off as a he and others a she. naughty naughty.
monsey: "Do men actually think that we are forgetful? That they can hurt us, but with a quick kiss and a hug, things will be better?"
We don't think that, but secretly we fantasize about it.
this sounds like a woman asking the question.
kvetcher he is QUOTING BT's words , she wrote those words and he replied to it
ps. I updated
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thanks now it makes sense. you see SHLOMY you are my rebbele
anytime, kvetcher and mosey!
so were all men here, does that mean we can tell dirty jokes?
Does it really work that you can the pill for extended time and not bleed? But you also keep the onos? Why bother? What is the point?
Sorry to hear about your husband. Please speak with someone. Going to the mikvah early is not an out.
I was asking if you guys think we forget so fast, and Monsey guy said "we wish". Meaning, he is a guy who wishes the wife will forget what they do. But let me remind you guys, we have long long memories when it comes to these issues.
The chimp
chosen for what?
are you taking up the dare from TheKvetch? Go shopping with your wife and let us know what happens.
Thank you RJT
A marriage cannot survive alone on sex. It is a perk that there is sex and that it is good. (though I think I want to go back, and post anew about good sex, and what is accepted)
In any event, one should not compromise on TM. If you husband does not agree, or he does not know..then you are lying and cheating him out of keeping TM. To the best of his knowledge, you are going on the right night...after SEVEN clean you going early, you are being dishonest with him and causing him to sin (hey, Chava did that to Adam) back to the women causing men to sin by ommission.
Please talk with someone. Suggest reading this site (more of stroking my ego)
Menstrual cups may help with cramps because they don't change women's internal chemistry the way other kinds of products do. Some women report a decrease in cramps when they start using them. Cups are reusable, so they save money. They are also easy to use and a lot cleaner (in my experience) than anything else out there.
There are three main brands: the Keeper, the Diva and the Mooncup.
(Full disclosure: I am a frum woman living in Jerusalem. I have my own Keeper sale site but haven't linked to it here because I'm not trying to advertise for myself, just to let women -- and men who care about the women in their lives -- know that there's something good and helpful out there.)
PORN, THE ANSWER IS PORN. you all need to keep a dvd in the house to get things going once in a could learn a thing or two.
I just came across your blog, very nice! You definitely bring up a lot of interesting terms of guys not being nice to their wives during nidda, as a newly married man, I find it impossible to keep the same level of closeness without touching. It has nothing ot do with me throwing my wife away because I'm not getting any! Shomer negia daters can never be as close to each other as couples that are not shomer, and thats what we are turned into during nidda. If I come home with flowers, make dinner, pamper her.....and then we both smash our heads against the wall all night?? Its better to keep a little distance during nidda.
I'd have to agree with BT
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