A Bas Torah's Point of View

Friday, May 20, 2005

Just taking a poll here

Who likes BasTorah?


Who likes Bassy?

Wondering which my readers prefer to call me or see me comment...

Drop me a line with your response.

A guten Shabbos!


Blogger thekvetcher said...


Blogger Shlomy said...

thekvetcher, wasn't it you who gave her that name?
Bassy means either Bas Shava- or Basya, it will loose all the relationship to the real meaning it was intended BAS TORAH, I go with bas torah

Blogger BasTorah said...

Thanks for the response.

Though there were only five of you, I have changed my name to BasTorah again.

Thanks the nickname. I will sign my emails to you with it.

So what is so wrong with sounding like a friend? Or is it bad that your friend sounds like me?

At least TheKvetcher has moved "our" relationship a step further. :-)

Are my topics really like another veibelach writting online? I sure hope not.

How did you get through with the no anonymous signing. Anyway, Thank you. Because of your response I changed back to BasTorah.

You see, I want to stand out. I don't want someone thinking that I, BasTorah is someone else or someone else is me. If someone else has the name Bassy, then I will go back to be the one and only BasTorah here.

Thank you all.

I will posting another one hopefully tonight...
I also have an email from someone who read in a magazine a letter...I think I will post the letter, see your response and then post the answer given. Sorry, this letter is non-sexual.

Blogger Shlomy said...

so is it officially bassy or not?


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