So you thought I was gone for good? Well, you were wrong! I am here and still checking the emails. Still seeing the requests for some more blogs. The questions are still the same. Different people. Same questions. It is the season.
The wife is tired from cleaning all day. The husband is not. He wants. She just collapses at the end of the day. How does he get her to go to bed together. How does she get him to realize that she would rather have him help her than arouse her.
The other emails are non seasonal. The typical "being a niddah depresses me. I get very down and sad when I have my period. Worst is when I spot and not even bleed right away." What suggestions do you "older" readers have for the younger and newer readers? How did you cope with your niddah days, and how do you cope now? There are still other topics that are old but worth repeating.
"The baby keeps me up at night and has such wonderful timing that whenever we try to do anything she cries. It doesn't matter that each night we attempt a different time, or location. She senses we are getting intimate and doesn't seem to want us too". "The phone rings..." "I tried but he, she doesn't seem to be in the mood, matter what I try..."
I think I am back. At least for a while. But I need your help. What do I answer the depressed niddah, or the crying baby's parents? What are your topics that peek your interest over the months that I was gone? What do you want to hear about?
I think I am back. At least for a while. But I need your help. What do I answer the depressed niddah, or the crying baby's parents? What are your topics that peek your interest over the months that I was gone? What do you want to hear about?
I am so happy to see you are back ..was just thinking about you this afternoon and Voilla..
Have some things to ask but I will save it for private email..
welcome back.
I don't have anything pressing (not ready to do T'suvah yet).
To the tired wife.. make a deal with the hubby; he helps on something specific like a task she does late in the day(just asking for stam help, never works, we men are task oriented) and she will be rested for the night.
I will leave the other cases for the next commentors.
I have to repeat one of those things that I saw a person wrote in to the Reader's Digest a while back.
After yet another interruption by the baby crying, the writer tells the baby, "If you were around before you were around, you wouldn't be around."
So take heart, it doesn't only happen to you.
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