Fairy Tales
Ever have feelings for your co-worker? Ever suspect that your spouse might have feelings for someone at work or on the way to work?
He cheated on his wife with one of the girls who work in his office. Simple as that. He simply was not satisfied at home. His wife wasn't giving it him. He wanted more. He wanted things she would never think of offering. He wanted things that were only in fantasy land, yet he had this burning desire to make it happen to him. He wanted to live in this big fairy tale like life. He wanted it all. A family at home. A lovely wife who awaits for his arrivals. Smart and cute children. A nice home. And a mistress on the side. The one who gave into his whims. The one who catered to his dreams. Who took care of his needs.
The poor innocent wife. She assumed she could trust her husband and had no reason not to. He took care of things for her. He even understood when she was not in the mood, he didn't pressure her. Things were good. Until one day she found it.
She found out about his secret life. She found out everything. His dreams, his fantasies, his actions. She found out that her life has been a farce. That he might have claimed to have loved her, but he just killed her by having this affair. There was no competition there, and if there would have been one, she knew she would have lost. She lost now. She lost her husband and the life she knew.
ok i know exactly about all this people who cheat even though they love their wife becasue she just doesnt satisfy him enough the big solution is communication
GUYS! PLEASE TELL YOUR WIFE ALL YOUR FANTACIES if she loves you she will give it to you and there will be no need for you to have a mistress on the side dont be ashamed she is your wife you can tell her everything on your mind a wife is mans best friend so before talking to your other girlfriends what you sexualy like to have please tell your wife please for the sake of your marriage and kids
Great, a new post from Elisheva on Wed after a very long hiatus, and now one from you.
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what in my comments are against halacha? or not yiddish,
perhaps you mean to say that the fine yiddish way is to not tell your wife your sexual pleasures but its better to cheat?
get a life
You want one where the wife cheats? I think that women tend to hold themselves back a bit more than men. Go argue it, but I feel they have more control over their desires.
This isn't about you, is it?
I don't know of a single couple cheating on one another. What kind of frum person would do such a thing? Seriously?
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