Look or Loook
Don’t shoot when I generalize, but most men will take note of a pretty woman walking by. They will take a second look and check her out. Finito. They continue on their way. I don’t call that cheating and wrong. It is only human for them to take a look. To sneak a peek. I would think there would be something wrong if they didn’t notice her. A man who tells you he didn’t notice the “hot” woman walking by is a liar.
But there is a difference in the looking. There is the quick glance and checking her out. And then there is the long-glance that keeps checking her out. A quick second is normal. It is fine. It is nothing for the wife to go crazy over. But the ones where they give her another look, and then another, those are the ones are more disconcerting. That look is something to worry about. That look sends off warning bells to the wife that there is something else going on.
We are human. We are normal. God created us this way. Men appreciate when a female is dressed nicely. When she is dressed provocative. When she is just plain sexy, (nothing plain about being sexy). Men like to look. They like to take in the views. Enjoy the scenery. And when pretty women are there, they are an added bonus.
I wouldn’t worry over the typical male who glances at a scantly dressed young lady. I would also take a double take if I see a model walk by. I would also glance back if I saw a good looking male walk by. Again, I am only looking and enjoying the scenery. The issue gets trickier when the look gets to be a loook. That the look is long and drawn out. That the look has a reflection on his face. That he is thinking too much into her than he should be. That is when it is wrong. Don’t yell at the husband for doing what he is expected to do. Don’t torment him if he looks. Just watch out if he really takes a good look at her and has another look on his face.
I always loved the expression “you can look but you cannot touch”. You might not appreciate it, or better yet, you don’t understand how I as a wife can say that. You see, I understand that it is normal for men to look. I understand the nature. I appreciate it. So go ahead, go look. But don’t touch. Once there is touching, things have gone too far. Looking does not always bring you to touching.
It is human nature for a man to look. If he tells you he doesn't notice..he is lying to you.
Oh Ben,
Don't you know I hate to do halacha. That is for Shloimy. Though I do want to hear this Blue Fringe album..seems to be a something I would like.
Hi Bas,
Unfortunately, with this latest post, your blog has lost all use for frum people.
I'm *so* not a frumock, and this has got to be the first time I've ever made such a comment on a blog. I always felt that despite your rather "brash" tone, and despite the fact that in many areas, I suspect that you aren't all that frum at all (nobody really keeps shomer negiah when they're engaged, right?) it held some real use for frum people. I found people in the comments with like minds, and understood that I wasn't the only ones with problems in certain areas.
But when you post about how it's ok to look at women (just don't touch! you warn), you cross the line. Despite all the naysayers who will now post that there is nothing wrong with it, that the Rabbis are crazy, and that the Slifkin ban is for naught, it is clear Halacha that there IS something wrong with a man admiring a woman. Period. The fact that some men do it makes no difference. Some people turn on lights on Shabbos too.
Pretty sad, Bas
is noticing and looking away just as bad?
Sorry you don't like my honest open opinion. You see, again, I must preface that I do NOT DO halacha. Granted halacha tells us it is wrong and assur and not allowed...but my issue here is that the guy is really going to look anyway. Some guys, most? or maybe just half of you guys will take notice of a pretty sexy lady. End of discussion. You will look away when you see her, but you will still see her. Whether or not you take another look is up to you..but in order for you NOT to look at her you have to take note that there is a female walking by...and then only then can you cover your eyes! You STILL looked at her!!
My opinion although it can hurt the wifes ego. A man can look at her. They are going to do it anyway. IF they do it and dont tell you about it or lie about it, would the wife feel better? Is she smarter for thinking that?
For those who think their husband, or their boyfriend or whathave you will not notice a sexy woman walking by...is naiive and not so smart. The same way the wife or girlfriend will notice her walking by, and then look at the guy she is with to see a reaction.
Get with the program. The reason why halacha has it that we should NOT look is becuase it is known that we will look.
go figure.
No problem whatsoever. Just don't market yourself as a "BasTorah."
Get with the program. You're "machti es harabim" when you misrepresent yourself in this manner.
Just a quick clarification...
Whenever the Torah says it is forbidden to looook at a female it says "LeHistakel" which means to loooook..to take in..to stare. The Torah does not use the word re'iyah which mean a a glance a quick look.
it also exclusively refers to it in the context of "bad thoughts" and i won't be more spacific.
(not that i wouldn't be blamed an apikorsus for saying that anyway.)
There are such things as instincts and indeed a passing "distraction" will often catch a man's eye, but it is perfectly possible to condition oneself not to stop and look each and every time, even momentarily.
My wife told me honestly that it bothered her and so I learned to not look back, it doesn’t always work but with some good will it is possible
anon, "pleasure" in this instance means looking at her in order to get aroused. nothing else at all. you really ought to actualy learn to speak lashon hakodesh as well as learn from actual sefarim instead of learning from bad copies of kitzur or rambam. if you look back to the sources and understand the language, you will see you are absolutely wrong. no question about it. (hint, never learn from a kitzur that has neither masgeres hashulchan or moreh makomos. with out it you will never have a clue what you are learning.)
Funny you mentiom this BT. I was actually thinking of writing a post about how a lot of so-called "bummy" outfits like floorsweeping denim skirts are not at all attention-getting. Whereas many of the things so-called "approved" things that frum women wear can be real traffic stoppers. It goes both ways.
I like your post but disagree that looking doesn't lead to touching. The mitzvah of wearing Tzizit is meant to ensure that we “do not stray after your heart and eyes which lead to immorality” (Bamidbar 15:39). As Rashi points out “the eyes see, the heart desires and the body commits sin”.
My Two Cents:
I agree with Bas Torah that looking is so normal, for girls as well as boys. We are not discussing Halacha, just that it is a normal human thing to do.
Besides which we are taught to dress nicely now that we are "on the market" (I hate that term..), so that we should look good to young men.
So if they aren't supposed to look, isn't it a joke?
Anonyone.. He deleted all my comments several times too, nut at least he was nice enuf to email me and tell mee why..
My comment was very similar to yours. Its no win for single girls. If you dress very tznius, but attractive they complain you are "hurting" the boys spiritually. If you dress very plain and simple, phonecalls come in, that he doesnt want to go out with you because "she isnt that pretty"..
I will admit though that some maried ladies are a bit too tantalizing, and really should tone it down a bit.
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