I didn't Forget You
What a nice vacation I had. Sorry to leave you in the lurk without a trace. Sorry for not writing a masterpiece. Though I am not sure why you insist on a masterpiece with every post. I must say it is nice to know that I was missed. It is nice to read that there are those who turn here for suggestions and for those who want to keep reading and feel that they are not alone and that there are others just like them. We are all the same. We each have our very own issues, but they really are not so different from the next.
I have gotten an offer to have a chat room set up on my site. Thank you so much for the offer, but I like to have somewhat control that goes on here. I have the authority to delete comments that I do not like. I get to post topics that I feel that I want to write about. If I put a chat room up, I lose control of things and there is no bastorah anymore. There are plenty of others out there and there are those who are counting their comments go up and up. They are judging based on how much people respond.
I know I have a good readership. I have the emails to prove it. I have two email accounts, and I check them daily. I don’t always respond and but one I respond quiker than the other. I know you guys and girls are out there waiting with bated breath the great words that will come forth unto this blog. Sorry to disappoint you dear readers, I am on a break.
Yes, a break. It seems that my friends and acquaintances have spoken for me. No need to go on into elaborate post about it. It is done. The biggest question. The biggest mystery in the jewish bedroom life is answered. The biggest question that have been asked and thought about, and desired have been answered in the jblog world. Yes. Oral sex is allowed. Anal sex is allowed. It is all allowed. It is all muter. Go ahead, have a party and try some. Don’t forget that what goes on behind closed doors should be kept there.
What happens when it is not done behind closed doors? It is done when no one is up, or no one is home? It is done with the doors open, is it then okay to talk about it? Just thought I would ask.
Now that we came across the issur of different types, and we can now conclude that most is allowed despite what we have been taught, what will you do, or what have you done that you didn’t try before? Are you really going to try new things because now you know it is not forbidden? Are you going to continue to do what you thought was forbidden, but is not really forbidden. Or is the thrill gone? I bet there are many of my readers who are married who haven’t tried a few things and are scared to try. Part scared. Part thought it was not allowed. Well, you got the not allowed part behind you, and now you can conquer the afraid part. What is there to be afraid of? If you love your partner and vice versa, what is there afraid except for the unknown?
Why are we afraid of the unknown? Who made us afraid? What made us afraid of it? What is it that we are afraid of? Go ahead, take it upon yourself “don’t be afraid of things you don’t really know why you are afraid of”. You can do it. Try. You might actually like it. But then again, you probably won’t because you are afraid.
In any event, I am just really rambling on with no end in site. With no reason or rhyme why I am posting this. The only reason I can think of is because I owe my fellow readers a post. It has been an extremely long time for me, Bassy, not to have post. I am really here. Just letting my thoughts wander, and trying to figure where I want my voice to be heard.
I received an email if I was interesting in his story. You bet I am. So is everyone here. We are waiting for something new to happen. To read exotic and erratic stories. Wonder what possessed people to do what they do. Go ahead, email it to me and I will post it here for comments.
I have gotten an offer to have a chat room set up on my site. Thank you so much for the offer, but I like to have somewhat control that goes on here. I have the authority to delete comments that I do not like. I get to post topics that I feel that I want to write about. If I put a chat room up, I lose control of things and there is no bastorah anymore. There are plenty of others out there and there are those who are counting their comments go up and up. They are judging based on how much people respond.
I know I have a good readership. I have the emails to prove it. I have two email accounts, and I check them daily. I don’t always respond and but one I respond quiker than the other. I know you guys and girls are out there waiting with bated breath the great words that will come forth unto this blog. Sorry to disappoint you dear readers, I am on a break.
Yes, a break. It seems that my friends and acquaintances have spoken for me. No need to go on into elaborate post about it. It is done. The biggest question. The biggest mystery in the jewish bedroom life is answered. The biggest question that have been asked and thought about, and desired have been answered in the jblog world. Yes. Oral sex is allowed. Anal sex is allowed. It is all allowed. It is all muter. Go ahead, have a party and try some. Don’t forget that what goes on behind closed doors should be kept there.
What happens when it is not done behind closed doors? It is done when no one is up, or no one is home? It is done with the doors open, is it then okay to talk about it? Just thought I would ask.
Now that we came across the issur of different types, and we can now conclude that most is allowed despite what we have been taught, what will you do, or what have you done that you didn’t try before? Are you really going to try new things because now you know it is not forbidden? Are you going to continue to do what you thought was forbidden, but is not really forbidden. Or is the thrill gone? I bet there are many of my readers who are married who haven’t tried a few things and are scared to try. Part scared. Part thought it was not allowed. Well, you got the not allowed part behind you, and now you can conquer the afraid part. What is there to be afraid of? If you love your partner and vice versa, what is there afraid except for the unknown?
Why are we afraid of the unknown? Who made us afraid? What made us afraid of it? What is it that we are afraid of? Go ahead, take it upon yourself “don’t be afraid of things you don’t really know why you are afraid of”. You can do it. Try. You might actually like it. But then again, you probably won’t because you are afraid.
In any event, I am just really rambling on with no end in site. With no reason or rhyme why I am posting this. The only reason I can think of is because I owe my fellow readers a post. It has been an extremely long time for me, Bassy, not to have post. I am really here. Just letting my thoughts wander, and trying to figure where I want my voice to be heard.
I received an email if I was interesting in his story. You bet I am. So is everyone here. We are waiting for something new to happen. To read exotic and erratic stories. Wonder what possessed people to do what they do. Go ahead, email it to me and I will post it here for comments.
I think there are a lot more issues that you can get into then just oral and anal sex. There's a whole kuma sutra. You can give the Torah perspective on the butterfly. There's also the reaction of the other side. Get into bed, tell your spouse "According to Shloimy..." and see where you get.
Or talk about relationships. I thought the conversation about how men treat their niddah wives to have produced great conversation.
us bloggers always feel pressured by the reader to provide some valuable content
did you have a chance to read this?
It's so true
However we do lung for your ideas and great topics , keep them coming bassy
a cynic and a kvetcher were in a row boat. the boat sprung a leak. and began to fill with water.
the cynic said oh shit now were going to die.
the kvetcher said is that so bad my boat is sinking.
ME dont be so naive, first of all any acts with with your spouse is not degrading. its called loving, exploring. you make it sound like people are lining up around the block top get some from the local whore. i bet you never exrerienced any thing like it. so to justify your lacking you dismiss it as degrading. and another thing to all those who are afraid to ask or discuss things with your spouses, you should get help. if you cant communicate with each other then you dont belong being married to each other. its a 2 sided street.WAKE UP
RETRACTION CORRECTION: i see ME agrees with what i said i didnt see the last 2 words of her comment. well its to all the other people out there.
chana ok you can call her bassy but spell it b-a-s-s-y
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