Why would someone who is going to fondle young boys, pick boys who are old enough to remember? Why not pick younger ones, like the ones he teaches? I know this is America and we have innocent until proven guilty, but I tend to go with the flow on this one.
My question is, why didn't he use younger boys instead of pre bar-mitzvahed age?? I have some theories that are pretty bad to think so I will use tact, and NOT post them here. I just feel that the older boys have something vs the little itty boys who don't have much. Considering the size differences between a six year old and a 22 year old. I say pick the 12 year old.
How does one pick his boys? Does he really look to see one who is insecure and one who doesn't have a whole bunch of friends always surrounding him? Are parents that naive about lfe that they will ignore their sons complaints and faking illness so just not to go to school?
What is this world coming too?
I wish everyone to be safe and be careful. Warn your children. And if you notice that your son or even daughter is an outsider, or quiet...Especially speak to him or her.
"...pick boys who are old enough to remember? Why not pick younger ones, like the ones he teaches? "
You seem to be inferring that younger children do not remember. I totally disagree. They may not conciously be able to recall the events but the damage is just as deep if not deeper in their psyche.
Come visit . . .
Hashem Yerachem! This guy and all like him are sick! Do you expect sickos to think rationally?
Who can go into a sick mind? These crazy molestors cannot be questioned they don't have a normal mind.
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