Contribution from a Reader, Let's hear it
When my wife first suggested - no insisted - I thought it would never work. Howevever, it is amazing the difference it has made. She said that the pressure of me of getting together was making her too tense. So, she said that we could have 2 specific nights a week. I said 3 - she agreed (although she is still arguing the point, claiming she never agreed to 3.) Anyhow, since we both know which night(s) we're going to be together, the pressure is off her and I wake up with a big smile on my face (well, 3 times a week.)That's suggestion one - good advice from the wife.But you're probably not going to like this one...Nobody talks/writes about vibrators. Even though this medium is totally anonymous, nobody mentions it. So, I am going to. There are very discreet (discrete?) ways to obtain them. It makes the times together phenomenal and amzingly good for the wife. Everyone wins. If only there was a website that could discuss/explain this in a responsible manner - a clean place where frum people could go to find out more.A woman goes through so much pain in life - not just the physical pain of childbirth, but also managing the home. The least she can expect is exquisite pleasure - and plenty of it.
nice post from a blog called torah
What a selfish guy!... his wife only wants sex 2 times a week and he insists on three.. the goes on to say "The least she can expect is exquisite pleasure - and plenty of it."
Hey guess what, she does not think he is all that! otherwise, she would want it more then just 2 times a week.
Maybe she is just happy to play with the vibrator when he is not home.. Who knows???
Lots of things in life can bring satisfaction not only vibrators.
Kiara..going by your choice of picture, I am assuming that you arent frum. Obviously, there is a world of possibilities open to you that arent to women living in very insular intensely religious communities. Hence, for us vibrators can be sanity savers, not to mention keeping you from wanting to strangle your husband.
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